The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity by Stephanie Lynn Budin

Title The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity
Author Stephanie Lynn Budin
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Release 2009-12-14
Category History
Total Pages 382
ISBN 9780521178044
Linguistic communication English, Castilian, and French

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Book Summary:

In this study, Stephanie Budin demonstrates that sacred prostitution, the sale of a person's body for sex in which some or all of the coin earned was devoted to a deity or a temple, did not exist in the aboriginal world. Reconsidering the evidence from the aboriginal Near East, the Greco-Roman texts, and the Early on Christian authors, Budin shows that the majority of sources that accept traditionally been understood as pertaining to sacred prostitution really have nothing to do with this institution. The few texts that are ordinarily invoked on this field of study are, moreover, terribly misunderstood. Furthermore, contrary to many current hypotheses, the creation of the myth of sacred prostitution has zero to practise with notions of accusation or the structure of a decadent, Oriental "Other." Instead, the myth has come into being every bit a result of more than 2,000 years of misinterpretations, faux assumptions, and faulty methodology. The written report of sacred prostitution is, effectively, a historiographical reckoning.

Tempelprostitution im Altertum by Tanja Susanne Scheer

Title Tempelprostitution im Altertum
Author Tanja Susanne Scheer
Publisher Verlag Antike
Release 2009
Category History
Total Pages 415
ISBN 393803226X
Language English language, Spanish, and French


Book Summary:

Tempelprostitution scheint in der antiken Welt ein allgegenwartiges Phanomen zu sein. Ob in Griechenland oder in Italien, in Kleinasien, Agypten, Persien oder Indien uberall hat die Forschung Hinweise auf die Existenz einer solchen Einrichtung finden wollen. Ein erneutes Studium der Quellen und ein transkultureller Vergleich wecken jedoch Zweifel und lenken den Blick auf die methodische Komplexitat des Themas. Der vorliegende Band prasentiert die Ertrage der 2007 in Oldenburg abgehaltenen interdisziplinaren Konferenz Tempelprostitution zwischen griechischer Kultur und Vorderem Orient. Dice Beitrage stellen jeweils Quellenlage, Forschungsstand und neueste Erkenntnisse zum Thema aus dem Blickwinkel der jeweiligen Fachkultur vor. Beteiligt sind Assyriologie, Agyptologie, Iranistik, Indologie und Theologie sowie die verschiedenen althistorischen und altphilologischen Teilbereiche. Die deutsch- und englischsprachigen Studien durchmessen dabei die antike Welt zeitlich und raumlich auf der Suche nach den tatsachlichen und vermeintlichen Spuren fur heilige Prostitution. Entsprechend reichen die Themen vom Alten Orient und Persien uber Israel und Agypten bis in den griechisch-romischen Bereich - von den fruhesten Schriftkulturen bis in die Spatantike. Ein Beitrag zur wirkungsmachtigen indischen Tempelprostitution rundet das Gesamtbild ab.

Akkade Zeit und Ur Iii Zeit past Walther Sallaberger

Title Akkade Zeit und Ur III Zeit
Author Walther Sallaberger
Publisher Saint-Paul
Release 1999
Category History
Full Pages 414
ISBN 9783525533253
Language English language, Spanish, and French

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Hosea A Textual Commentary by Mayer I. Gruber

Title Hosea A Textual Commentary
Author Mayer I. Gruber
Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing
Release 2017-07-27
Category Religion
Total Pages 560
ISBN 0567671755
Language English, Spanish, and French


Book Summary:

Mayer I. Gruber provides a new commentary on and translation of Hosea. Building upon his work that debunked the myth of sacred prostitution, Gruber at present goes on to show that the book of Hosea repeatedly advocates a unmarried standard of marital fidelity for men and women and teaches cheated women to fight back. Gruber employs the latest and well-nigh precise findings of lexicography and poetics to solve the difficulties of the text and to make up one's mind both how Hosea tin can be read and what this means. The translation differs from classical and recent renderings in eliminating forms and expressions, which are neither modern English nor ancient Hebrew. Referring to places, events, and material reality of the 9th and 8th centuries BCE, Gruber uncovers the abiding messages of the heretofore obscure book of Hosea. As in previous studies, Gruber employs the insights of behavioral sciences to uncover forgotten meanings of numerous allusions, idioms, similes, and metaphors. Judicious use is fabricated besides of textual history, reception history, and personal vocalism criticism. One of the to the lowest degree biblical books now speaks more clearly to present and futurity audiences than information technology did to many previous audiences.

Ishtar by Louise Yard. Pryke

Title Ishtar
Writer Louise M. Pryke
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Release 2017-07-14
Category History
Full Pages 240
ISBN 1317506650
Language English, Castilian, and French


Book Summary:

Ishtar is the first book dedicated to providing an attainable analysis of the mythology and epitome of this complex goddess. The polarity of her nature is reflected in her function as goddess of sexual love and war, and has made her difficult to characterise in modern scholarship. By exploring this complexity, Ishtar offers insight into Mesopotamian civilization and thought, and elucidates a goddess who transcended the limits of gender, divinity and nature. It gives an attainable introduction to the Near Eastern pantheon, while also opening a pathway for comparison with the later Near Eastern and Mediterranean deities who followed her.

Prostitution in the Ancient Greek World by Konstantinos Kapparis

Title Prostitution in the Aboriginal Greek World
Author Konstantinos Kapparis
Publisher Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
Release 2017-x-23
Category History
Total Pages 509
ISBN 3110557959
Linguistic communication English, Castilian, and French


Book Summary:

Prostitution in the ancient Greek world was widespread, legal, and acceptable equally a fact of life and an unavoidable necessity. The state regulated the industry and treated prostitution as any other trade. About every prominent human in the aboriginal world has been truly or falsely associated with some famous hetaira. These women, who sold their affections to the richest and most influential men of their time, take become legends in their ain right. They pushed the boundaries of female person empowerment in their quest for cocky-promotion and notoriety, and go along to fascinate us. Prostitution remains a circuitous miracle linked to issues of gender, civilization, police force, borough ideology, didactics, social control, and economic forces. This is why its study is of paramount importance for our understanding of the culture, outlook and institutions of the ancient world, and in plough it can shed new calorie-free and introduce new perspectives to the challenging debate of our times on prostitution and contemporary sexual morality. The main purpose of this book is to provide the master historical study of the topic with emphasis upon the separation of facts from the mythology surrounding the countless references to prostitution in Greek literary sources.

Lexicon of Daily Life in Biblical and Mail service Biblical Antiquity by Edwin M. Yamauchi

Championship Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Postal service Biblical Artifact
Author Edwin Chiliad. Yamauchi
Publisher Hendrickson Publishers
Release 2021-10-05
Category Organized religion
Full Pages 1862
ISBN 1683073622
Linguistic communication English, Spanish, and French


Book Summary:

The Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical & Mail service-Biblical Antiquity is a unique reference piece of work that provides background cultural and technical information on the world of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament from 4000 BC to approximately Ad 600. Besides bachelor as a 4-volume gear up (ISBN 9781619708617), this complete one-volume edition covers topics from A-Z. This dictionary casts light on the culture, technology, history, and politics of the periods of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Written and edited by a world-class historian and a highly respected biblical scholar, with contributions past many others, this unique reference work explains details of domestic life, applied science, civilization, laws, and religious practices, with extensive bibliographic textile for farther exploration. At that place are 115 manufactures ranging from five-20 pages long. Scholars, pastors, and students (and their teachers) will notice this to be a useful resource for biblical study, exegesis, and sermon preparation. This is non your standard Bible dictionary, but one that focuses on aspects of daily life in Bible times, addressing interesting and sometimes puzzling topics that are often overlooked in other encyclopedias. I highly recommend the Lexicon of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity and will be giving it shout-outs in my classes in the years to come. James K. Hoffmeier, Professor of Old Attestation and Most Eastern Archaeology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity Schoolhouse This wonderful resource is much more than a dictionary. It is a compendium of substantive essays on numerous facets of daily life in the ancient globe. I am oft asked past pastors and students for recommendations on books that illuminate the manners, customs, and cultural practices of the biblical world. At present I accept the ideal gear up of books to recommend. Clinton E. Arnold, Dean and Professor of New Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

Artemis past Stephanie Lynn Budin

Title Artemis
Author Stephanie Lynn Budin
Publisher Routledge
Release 2015-06-26
Category History
Total Pages 184
ISBN 1317448871
Linguistic communication English language, Spanish, and French

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Book Summary:

Artemis is a literary, iconographic, and archaeological written report of the aboriginal Greek goddess of the chase, who presided over the transitions and mediations between the wild and the civilized, youth and maturity, life and death. Beginning with a study of the early on origins of Artemis and her cult in the Statuary and Archaic Ages, Budin explores the goddess' persona and her role in the lives of her worshippers. This book examines her birth and childhood, her place in the divine family, her virginity, and her associations with those places where the wilds become the "cities of just men." The focus then turns to Artemis' role in the lives of children and women, particularly how she helps them navigate the transition to adulthood and, mayhap too frequently, death. Budin goes on to reconsider some of the more harrowing aspects of Artemis' mythology, such equally plague and bloodshed, while also examining some of her kinder, oft overlooked associations. Finally, the role of Artemis in the Renaissance and modern lodge is addressed, from the on-going fascination with the "breasts" on the statue of Artemis of Ephesos to the Artemisian aspects of Katniss Everdeen. Written in an accessible style, Artemis is a crucial resources for students not just of Greek myth, organized religion and cult, simply also those seeking to understand the lives and roles of girls and women in ancient Greece, equally this goddess presided over their significant milestones, from maiden to wife to female parent.

The Bible among the Myths by John Due north. Oswalt

Championship The Bible among the Myths
Author John N. Oswalt
Publisher Zondervan
Release 2009-08-30
Category Faith
Total Pages 208
ISBN 0310322421
Linguistic communication English, Spanish, and French

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Volume Summary:

60 years ago, about biblical scholars maintained that Israel's religion was unique—that it stood in marked dissimilarity to the faiths of its aboriginal Near Eastern neighbors. Nowadays, it is widely argued that Israel's religion mirrors that of other W Semitic societies. What accounts for this radical change, and what are its implications for our understanding of the Quondam Attestation? Dr. John N. Oswalt says the root of this new attitude lies in Western society's hostility to the idea of revelation, which presupposes a reality that transcends the world of the senses, asserting the existence of a realm humans cannot control. While non advocating a "the Bible says it, and I believe it, and that settles it" point of view, Oswalt asserts convincingly that while other ancient literatures all see reality in essentially the aforementioned terms, the Bible differs radically on all the master points. The Bible Among the Myths supplies a necessary cosmetic to those who reject the Old Attestation'southward testimony about a transcendent God who breaks into time and infinite and reveals himself in and through human being activity.

Brill s Companion to Aphrodite by Amy C. Smith

Title Brill s Companion to Aphrodite
Author Amy C. Smith
Publisher BRILL
Release 2010-03-22
Category History
Full Pages 472
ISBN 9047444507
Linguistic communication English, Spanish, and French


Book Summary:

In this volume an international team of scholars from a wide range of academic fields and perspectives reevaluate the Greek goddess Aphrodite, her worship throughout the Mediterranean, manifold roles in Graeco-Roman antiquity, and reception through the Renaissance and beyond.